Hometown: Paris, Texas

Yes, you read that right. I was born + raised in the small town of Paris, Texas. You’d think with a name like Paris, you’d probably think of Paris, France and the Eiffel Tower. You’d be right. However, not everyone can travel across the ocean, so worry no more – you can come straight down to my hometown and visit our very own eiffel tower (complete with a red cowboy hat!)

and yes, before I go on, I am one of those weird kids that actually LOVE my hometown. It may be because I actually enjoyed my childhood there, plus I LOVE my family – and the majority of my family STILL lives there. So, it stays super near and dear to my heart. I can definitely say I’m pretty proud to be a Texan, and Paris will always be home in my heart, even if I no longer reside there.
Things I LOVE (and miss) about Paris or Texas:
- Dr Pepper is actually sold everywhere (Kentucky didn’t get the hint for a WHILE)
- Fields as far as the eye can see make for amazing sunsets (No worries, Kentucky has gorgeous hills too!)
- the Eiffel Tower with a red cowboy hat (duh.)
- Friendly People. Did you know we actually pull to the shoulder to let people pass!? and don’t forget to WAVE!
- Good Doughnuts. They have the best, hands down. Cause Texas knows how to fry food.
- Six Flags Over Texas (this is really a Texas thing, not Paris – but it’s the BEST)
- Better speed limits – you can drive 70 on backroads in Texas; in Kentucky it’s usually 45 or less. annoying.
- You can have any type of scenery you want. Beach, Grasslands, Hills, Desert, Fields & Farmland. You name it. Texas has it.
- Braums + Bluebell Ice Cream. if you haven’t had it, wellll you’re missing out.
- BETTER WEATHER. Seriously. I only enjoy summer in Kentucky – the rest of the seasons are awful and last FOREVER. I actually miss having a true fall and spring that LASTS longer than a couple of weeks.

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